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Mesaje - Antonov25

Pagini: [1]
NOUTĂŢI / Re: Ultima harta pt Romania
« : Iulie 23, 2014, 08:20:51 am »
Am gasit pe net sub numele de iGO 2013.Q4 HERE Europe Maps

Harta:  Romania_83_HERE_2013.Q4_140328.fbl

are marimea 19MB (19.962.896bytes)

Pot spune ca am folosit-o cu cea a Bulgariei (tot din acelasi pachet) in concediu si au mers perfect

Daca sunte-ti pe langa Campina si setati cel mai scurt drum catre Slanic Prahova, ve-ti avea surpriza de un drum neasfaltat (impracticabil) in realitate dar trecut asfaltat pe hartile de gps.(45° 13.431', 25° 54.433')
Drumul este 216A din Stefesti care se leaga conform hartii GPS cu strada 13 decembrie din Slanic Prahova.
Deja localnicii s-au obisnuit cu turistii care merg dupa GPS si iti fac semn de cum intri pe strada.

NOUTĂŢI / Re: Ultima harta pt Romania
« : Aprilie 24, 2013, 03:33:33 pm »
iGO R3 Local 2013.03 Eastern Europe RO si HU


NOUTĂŢI / Re: Ultima harta pt Romania
« : Octombrie 24, 2012, 11:16:20 am »
Romania_83_TM_2012.07_120809.fbl  size: 19.040.784 bytes

Top-Map Release Notes Romania 2012.07  - este acelasi postat pe 23 iulie 2012.
Acum a aparut si harta indicata pe site-ul lor

NOUTĂŢI / Re: Ultima harta pt Romania
« : Iulie 23, 2012, 10:35:32 am »
iGO 8.3 Local 2012.04 Eastern Europe
Requirements: R3 (8.3) or up
Overview: iGO 8.3 Local 2012.03 Eastern Europe Maps


Top-Map Release Notes Romania 2012.07

Over 3400 km roads added in total (now 143 005 km)
New A3 motorway between Bucuresti and Ploiesti
New street geometry in 159 settlements
Street network coverage grew by 2,5% (533 000 inhabitants)
Over 900 map editor reports processed
Content analytics
Road length (km) 143 005
Coverage (by population) 82%
House number coverage 58%
Postal Code 
Number of Centre of Settlements 14 030
Number of Points of Interest 39 982
Number of Rich POI 1 003
Lane Information on major road network   
Signpost Information on major road network   
City Lane Information (nr. of settlements) 7
City Signpost Information (nr. of settlements) 7
Pedestrian Navigation - 
Driver Alerts   
Truck Information   
Time Domain Information   
Address Points   
3D City Map - 
Bicycle navigation - 

later edit:
Romania_83_TM_2012.04_120606.fbl size: 18.823.696 bytes

NOUTĂŢI / Re: Ultima harta pt Romania
« : Septembrie 26, 2011, 12:45:07 pm »
Top-Map Release Notes
Romania 2011.07

1 563 km new road in the database (136 157 km now)
UN survey in Baia Mare and Iasi.
New overpass, „Pasajul Basarab” in Bucuresti, new bypass road part in North-Cluj-Napoca.
New basic streetnetwork geometry for 10 settlements and repositioning in Tulcea county.
Signpost and lane info survey in Bucuresti, Targu Mures, Satu Mare, Cluj Napoca, Baia Mare, Iasi and Brasov.
New basic streetnetwork geometry in 53 settlements.
Content analytics
Road length (km) 136 157
Coverage (by population) 78%
House number coverage 58%
Postal Code 
Number of Centre of Settlements 14 032
Number of Points of Interest 38 960
Lane Information on major road network   
Signpost Information on major road network   
City Lane Information (nr. of settlements) 7
City Signpost Information (nr. of settlements) 7
Pedestrian Navigation - 
Driver Alerts   
Truck Information   
Time Domain Information   
Address Points   
3D City Map - 
Bicycle navigation - 

Pagini: [1]
(c) 2006-2011 - radare fixe, camere de supraveghere, radare mobile, detectoare radar, staţii radio CB
Lista radarelor fixe din România - Harta radarelor fixe din România - Tipurile radarelor fixe din România